Monday, April 27, 2009

Goals for Week 3

This week I want to start working on my website and writing out the code. The furthest I plan on getting is writing the starting code and then working on making a header in photoshop or paint or something. I also need to think of a name for the site...

Friday, April 24, 2009

End Of Week 2

This week I went through most of chapter 12, I should finish it by the end of the hour today. I also came up with a rough idea for a website. It's aimed at the teen audience for entertainment purposes. I want to use divs and different coloring schemes to make the site look modern and appeasing to the eye. On the site I would recommend good bands, books, movies, sites to check out, shows to go to and such. Hopefully this is an alright idea? Also, if I have time at the end of the quarter it would be cool to try and see if I could get the site on one of those free hosting sites. The purpose of that would be for learning how to put up a site though because I doubt many people besides myself would look at my site. :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Goals for Week 2

This week I am going to go through all of chapter 12. I will also decide what I want to do for a web page and write out a plan. I should hopefully have a plan for Mrs. Tollefson or at least a few choices of what I want to create by Friday.

Friday, April 17, 2009

End Of Week 1

This week I got through all of chapter 11. I downloaded the chapter 11 folder from the head first labs website and read through the chapter. I did all the work exercises and completed all work. I also started thinking of idea choices for my web site.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Start Of Quarter 4

This quarter I will be working on html coding and making a website. I plan to work through the chapters and along the way come up with an idea and start making my own site using the html learned from the book. I was sick yesterday so I'm starting today. This week I want to work through as much as I can in chapter 11 of the html book.

Friday, April 3, 2009

End Of Week 8?

So. Today is Friday. We had a very long break but it wasn't much of a break because everyone had to do much sand bagging and then had to stay inside when it was snowing like crazy. As a result I didn't get to film or edit anything. I am very disappointed with myself. Over the quarter I did learn a whole lot though but I didn't get a final project because I didn't have film to work with. I had my live music film but it didn't fit right. I played around with that and the editing effects though and I definitely learned a lot and almost everything about Windows Movie Maker through all the videos I watched, the books I read, and through hands on learning.