Monday, May 18, 2009

End Of Week 5/ Goals for Week 6

So I was gone on Friday so I will fill you in quickly on what I finished last week. I completed both my music and website pages. I have a couple things to do this week and to finish up my site. I need a "things to do" page and to link my "forum" page. I also need to make a header and come up with a catchy title for my site. After that I should have it looking pretty complete. I plan on working on all that this week.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Goals For Week 5

This week I plan on working on my music and websites pages. I will have a featured band or group and a featured website and write a little about it and include some sort of photo. If I get through that then I want to figure out how to link my forum link to a free forum that I created from a different site.

Friday, May 8, 2009

End Of Week 4

This week I accomplished a lot but and had many problems with the positioning but it's all figured out and good now. I made pages for all the links in my page and set up the main format which is the same layout as the main page. I also changed the colors for links and what color it changes to once you've been there. I also finished two of my pages, the movie page and the book page. It has a featured movie/book of the month that I think everyone should check out and includes a short summery, review, and movie/book poster. I also fixed all the links on my navigation table so you can go back to the home page and such. I had to resize the images I used on my pages so that they fit and look better.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Goals for Week 4

This week I plan on finding an object to fix into the bottom left corner of my page. The space was looking slightly bland so I need to add something to it. I also would really like it if a bolt of lightning stuck me and gave me a creative and catchy name for my website. Once that happens I'll use that along with a mix of colors and cool fonts to create a header and put that over the blank square where the header is supposed to be on my page now. I also want to set up a folder and all the correct links so that I may have nice pages linked on my site.

Friday, May 1, 2009

End Of Week 3

This week I started writing out the code for my website. I made a footer and and main box and a side box. I also made a header box which is where my title and stuff will be once I make that. I used the floating element that I learned in the last chapter. I'm having a few problems with the boxes floating right beside each other but hopefully I can fix that today.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Goals for Week 3

This week I want to start working on my website and writing out the code. The furthest I plan on getting is writing the starting code and then working on making a header in photoshop or paint or something. I also need to think of a name for the site...

Friday, April 24, 2009

End Of Week 2

This week I went through most of chapter 12, I should finish it by the end of the hour today. I also came up with a rough idea for a website. It's aimed at the teen audience for entertainment purposes. I want to use divs and different coloring schemes to make the site look modern and appeasing to the eye. On the site I would recommend good bands, books, movies, sites to check out, shows to go to and such. Hopefully this is an alright idea? Also, if I have time at the end of the quarter it would be cool to try and see if I could get the site on one of those free hosting sites. The purpose of that would be for learning how to put up a site though because I doubt many people besides myself would look at my site. :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Goals for Week 2

This week I am going to go through all of chapter 12. I will also decide what I want to do for a web page and write out a plan. I should hopefully have a plan for Mrs. Tollefson or at least a few choices of what I want to create by Friday.

Friday, April 17, 2009

End Of Week 1

This week I got through all of chapter 11. I downloaded the chapter 11 folder from the head first labs website and read through the chapter. I did all the work exercises and completed all work. I also started thinking of idea choices for my web site.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Start Of Quarter 4

This quarter I will be working on html coding and making a website. I plan to work through the chapters and along the way come up with an idea and start making my own site using the html learned from the book. I was sick yesterday so I'm starting today. This week I want to work through as much as I can in chapter 11 of the html book.

Friday, April 3, 2009

End Of Week 8?

So. Today is Friday. We had a very long break but it wasn't much of a break because everyone had to do much sand bagging and then had to stay inside when it was snowing like crazy. As a result I didn't get to film or edit anything. I am very disappointed with myself. Over the quarter I did learn a whole lot though but I didn't get a final project because I didn't have film to work with. I had my live music film but it didn't fit right. I played around with that and the editing effects though and I definitely learned a lot and almost everything about Windows Movie Maker through all the videos I watched, the books I read, and through hands on learning.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Goals For Week Of March 23rd

Wow all this rain is craaaazyy!! It's kinda exciting. This week is my super busy, make a final project week. Today I am writing a kind of story board for what my how to video will look like. I'm going to do a how to on the basics of guitar. Ill have tuning and chords and some basic stuff. Tonight I will film that and use my video convertor at home to get the video into the right format. Then I'll put it on my flash drive. Tomorrow I will upload it all and organise it in the same way that my story board will be. On Wednesday through Friday I plan on editing it by adding in titles and transistions and maybe a few effects. So now this whole quarter I've been learning tons and this last week is my time to use all this knowledge and put together a neat little project!

Friday, March 20, 2009

End Of Week 7

This week I had to work and had a band concert and what not so I didn't get anything filmed. I want to get something filmed this weekend and work on it next week otherwise I wont be able to make a project for this quarter which would be lame since I worked so long with the book and watching tutorial videos and learning how everything works.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Goals for Week Of March 16th

This week I want to film lots of stuff for my video then upload it. If I have time Ill split the clips and start adding them to the timeline. ^_^

Friday, March 13, 2009

End Of Week 6

This week was awesome because we had two snow days! Yippe. On the downside of that I had to shovel my car out of a massive snow drift. As for video class, I am a massive failure. I am too bored to actually come up with a concept at this moment. This weekend I hopefully can get something though to make up for my lack of idea making this week. I have writer's block. but with video making instead of writing. haha. This Weekend I Will Think Of Something! ! !

Also, in case you thought I sat here doing nothing I made a completely stupid little 19 second video with the band footage I already have and I just added effects and stuff. So ya. .......... ^_^

Monday, March 9, 2009

Goals for Week Of March 9th

This week I am going to try and think of a video project idea. Maybe write it out and set up something? I don't know, I just have to think of something and get started filming it so I can edit it and put it together. Possibly a "How-To" or something like that.

Friday, March 6, 2009

End Of Week 5

Gosh this has been a bad week. I've been sick and I think I like missed two days of this class or something. Physically I pretty much didn't accomplish too much. I read this cool book about making music videos that Mrs. Tollefson gave me. I also concluded that I don't wanna make a music video anymore and am just gunna use the film I have as "practice" for working with the effects and such. I wanna try and think of a plan and film it and just start making a project. So far I just keep learning and learning with the books, videos, and working with my stuff. Now next week is the time I can start making a project hopefully.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Goals for Week Of March 2nd

yay! It's march. I'm happy time is actually starting to move fast. This week I plan on getting all my video into the way I want it. Maybe add some cool video effects? I'm not so sure yet. I just wanna finish this video and do something else or something different. So I will play along with the cutting and combining tools or maybe just leave it and then make it look a-ok.

Friday, February 27, 2009

End Of Week 4

Wow I can't believe we've been working on this project for four weeks already. This week I downloaded this super cool file converter program and changed the formats of my videos. Then I imported them into Movie Maker. Since I had a video that was ten minutes long I made it a lot shorter and got it split up into a whole bunch of little clips. I selected a few clips and put them on the timeline and also added an intro and a transition effect to make it look a little cooler... then I muted the audio from the video. Anyways, this whole video thing is fun and all but I am getting extremely bored out of my mind. Well see how next week goes.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Goals for the Week Of Feb. 23rd

This week my goal is to get my videos at home changed into an acceptable format and imported into Movie Maker. I'll do that tomorrow after school because I'm not doing any homework tonight. Then I'm going to cut the clips, keeping only the good stuff, and put them on the time line in a good order. Until then I will watch more tutorial videos.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

End of Week 3

woah.. that week was like super short, I loved it. So...the things I accomplished. Well I finished the book. Yes, I read through the entire thing. There wasn't any activities so that was kinda lame, but overall it was good and had good information. I watched more tutorial videos online as well. So I pretty much just have tons of information now. So I HAVE TO get my videos converted and imported on Monday. I'm sick of it taking so long. Adios!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Goals for Week Of Feb. 17th

There is only three days this week! yay! which also means that I probably wont get much work done. My goals for this week are as follows: covert the video files I have into an acceptable format that movie maker allows, watch more tutorial videos to learn more about editing and effects, and to continue reading the textbook and get through at least three chapters. Everything should go good as long as I can get my videos imported, otherwise I will get very angry. In an unrelated note, I turn 18 in 6 days. :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

End Of Week 2

This week I read through the first four chapters in the textbook. I also watched more tutorial videos. Reading the book went well and I think I learned a few new things. What didn't go well is that I have to change the format of my film so that it can be imported into movie maker. That's really lame.

Monday, February 9, 2009

End of Week One/ Goals for Week of Feb. 9

I was gone on Friday last week so now is my time to write a review about the last week. I was also gone on Wednesday so I didn't get much done last week. I watched a lot of tutorial videos and set up how I will organize my folders in Movie Maker. I also looked at the videos I have at home and will be putting them on a flash drive so I can bring them in and upload them.

This week I will be learning from a book!! :) I'm very excited to get started. I learn much better from books than from the internet. I will also bring in the videos I have and see if I can work with them or if I will have to get new videos. So all in all, I will upload videos and cut them so they only have the good parts, and I will read and follow the book as far as I get during the week. Hopefully at least the first three chapters is my goal. I plan to learn everything in it though, so I'm not going to race through it. This should be a good week!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Goals for week of Feb. 2

I'm going to find random video, pictures, and music and import them into Movie Maker and play around with that a bit. I am also going to watch some tutorial videos on 'getting started'. yippe skippy.


I have yet to decide what my video will be about. I know I already have some recordings of live bands when i went to see These Hearts and also August Burns Red. I could maybe mix a bunch of stuff together with cool transitions and make a video about why shows are awesome or something? Im really not sure. Or maybe when I'm at the dike I could film snowboarders or just random places I could film random rad stuff and make it into a music video? I don't know. The possibilities are endless. I would want the video to be really fast paced and exciting though because that's what I like. I know I'll want a little slow part as an introduction or something to show contrast. I also always wanted to have credits, pauses, warped picture stills, and maybe like a fast preview of everything at the beginning. ??? It's all up in the air. Mostly I just know I will have to take more videos and pictures outside of class so I can get some stuff to work with.

As for the project as a whole, once I decide what to do, I will need to watch tutorial videos online and also if Mrs. Tollefson gets me a book I'll go through the chapters and do any projects or examples in the book. This way I will get a better grip on Windows Movie Maker and will be able to make a super, awesome-er video (project). I'm pretty sure I already know how to do most of it but then I'll have more time to make it better and use all of the things available.


So I pretty much deleted my post last friday. ugh. What I accomplished in the first week- not much. I know I'm going to be making a video and I know what site to look at for tutorial videos and I talked to Mrs. Tollefson about getting a book. I set up a blog, my first! :) I also set up this gmail account. Last week I also looked at Windows Movie Maker and looked at everything on the drop down lists and also looked under the help and looked at how to do things. Much more to do in the upcoming weeks.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

change of plans

I have now changed my plans and will be using windows movie maker to create my project.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

plan for final project

The software im going to use for the duration of this project is Adobe Premier. I will make a personal video and see if i can learn some cool editing effects. I will learn using the textbook given and don't think the project will be finished until the end of the semester. I propose that my final project be the one that is graded.

I will be working on this video the entire semester and hopefully it will turn out very nice.
