Monday, May 4, 2009

Goals for Week 4

This week I plan on finding an object to fix into the bottom left corner of my page. The space was looking slightly bland so I need to add something to it. I also would really like it if a bolt of lightning stuck me and gave me a creative and catchy name for my website. Once that happens I'll use that along with a mix of colors and cool fonts to create a header and put that over the blank square where the header is supposed to be on my page now. I also want to set up a folder and all the correct links so that I may have nice pages linked on my site.


  1. Sounds great. Just 14 days to go. Are you enjoying html better than movie maker?

  2. yes! It's good and I feel slightly rushed because having a plan beforehand I have to learn how to do anything I don't know. Like positioning images and wrapping the paragraph around an image. It's all going very good so far though.
